Our Microhabitat


Our Microhabitat


We observed and described how different environments like MICROHABITATS in school-yards support different

varieties of organism. In our Microhabitat we took small components of dirt and other parts from our string triangle,

and sketched what was inside of the triangle onto a page in our composition notebooks. We put some of the pieces of

dirt and rock onto the table in the classroom, and described what we saw in the pile of components.


How to better improve your gaming equipment

Hello! I have figured out how to better improve my gaming equipment. You need to have very high R.A.M quality, for the smoothness in the computer game. Also, you need to have a very well known, to be good, GPU or graphics processer. Or just apply more R.A.M to the game that you need more frame rate on. Hopefully this helped!

7th Grade

Hi, I am now in the seventh grade. It is so more grown-up than 6th or 5th grades. My favorite subject is Texas History. I am in band, but I am thinking about dropping out sooner or later.

Not Only My Hero

Not Only My Hero


 Who is my hero? I’ll give you a hint. He is loving, caring, and spontaneous. My hero is my dad!

         You would think my dad is my hero because he is my dad. No, the reason why he is because he was in Vietnam. Due to he fought for their lives, for them to get their freedom from the Viet Cong. He didn’t expect anything in return.

         Furthermore, he lets me live in the home he bought for us. He also lets me stay healthy and have clothing on for my life. However, when he feels bad we do so for him.

         Most importantly, he teaches me the right things to do when I grow up. He tells me “When you grow up you’ll make the decisions”. He is the best advice giver I could ask for.

       This man is not only my hero, he is my dad, the best one, and I will never forget that.


This is a book called Do Hard Things. It is about a couple of young nineteen year old boys that are out to change the thinking of how the population of their town thinks about what they think of The Lord Jesus Christ. They got an internship to be in the Alabama supreme court in the year 2005 and they had to think about doing this first. They have a blog, it’s one of the most popular teen blogs in the whole intire world. Teens go on there to chat with other teens about the things in life that make them sort of MAD. Like the things about how their parents think how they should believe in the Lord. Like, what they should do to have anything to do with him and what to do when they want to read the bible, But their parents do anything in their power to stop them from reading. THE WORD.