FFA Proud

If you haven’t already read the article titled “FFA Is Lame AF” I have no idea how you haven’t but let me just sum it up for you. Basically, this PETA member is trying to convince you that all we do is viciously kill pigs, “rape” cows by injecting a bull’s sperm into a female cow, which, by the way, don’t you think that the cow would rather have a puny human’s hand inside her or a giant 3,000 pound bull on her back? Yeah, think about that. Just because there are some places in the world were people mistreat animals does not mean that all places in the world do that. I know that if you have read the article that you saw the lamb being castrated, that is by no means how we actually do it, more that likely that lamb bled out or if it didn’t bleed out, it got infected and had to be put down. The animals around here and in most states in America are treated correctly and are not castrated like the lamb was, the person who castrated it didn’t really look like he was from America anyways, to be infact, it said that in AUSTRALIA, this is how they treat animals, well, I’m here to tell you, this isn’t Australia, this is AMERICA. The majority of the FFA members do not treat their animals like this, we do give these animals rights and do hate to see them being mistreated like this. So please, if you have any faith in us, you will help us out and be on our side for once, if you have been in FFA or are in FFA at this time, please stand up your organization, we don’t want to see it being torn down because of some people in this worlds who don’t know what they are doing.

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